Downloading medschool bootcamp v12 and integrating it with #highyield v11 flashcards


I just made a subscription to ankihub. Before this, I had v11 in which I used the #highyield tag deck to study for Step 1. How do I incorporate medschool bootcamp deck from v12 into my current deck without losing my current #highyield deck and all the progress? Also, how do I update the #high yield deck to v12 version?

If you are referring to the High Yield tagging tree that is already in the deck - they were automatically updated in V12 so they will be there upon sync, and you can delete any cards that remain for V11.

If you are referring to your own personal tagging tree, you will need to use the manage personal data section and β€œprotect” those tags, a topic discussed a few times in this community already. By doing that you can ensure any personal tags you have made are not lost on sync to AnkiHub.

So I downloaded the new v12 but it seems like I have a duplicate of each chapter within the bootcamp tag specifically. Which one do I use? The tags with the numbers or the tags without the numbers?

Also will bootcamp cards just mix in with my other anki deck that I’m studying randomly or?


Which one do I use? The tags with the numbers or the tags without the numbers?

Use the one with numbers, the team responsible for that is working on cleaning the others out.

will bootcamp cards just mix in with my other anki deck that I’m studying randomly

If you unsuspend them then yes. The real answer depends on what your workflow with Anki looks like. If you are confused by this mechanic I will direct you to the AnKing YouTube channel or the Mastery Course learn more about these basic features of Anki.

Will use the one with the numbers, thanks! So am I free to delete the ones without numbers?

Yeah can you please provide a video?

Will use the one with the numbers, thanks! So am I free to delete the ones without numbers?

I will fix them and they will resolve on their own within the week

Yeah can you please provide a video?

Here is the Anki 101 playlist:

3 posts were split to a new topic: No clozes found/empty cards