Duplicate hierarchical tags

I recently noticed duplicate hierarchical tags in the Anking Step 1 deck (i.e., 02_GI_Physiology and 02_Physiology under the B&B tag). Which sets of tags are most up-to-date and how do I rid the deck of obsolete tags? Thank you!

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Just to double check: what is the card number under each of the β€˜02’ tags? Are they the same, or different?

You can always delete a tag, any tag, by right-clicking it and selecting β€˜delete’:


Thanks for your response! The card numbers are different (i…e., β€œBile” tags have 9 vs 38 cards; β€œGI Secretions” tags have 7 vs 84).

Can you take a picture of the cards that are present in the lower number tags?

This is the correct layout