Hi, since the most recent update/sync to the AnKing deck for Step 1/2, I’ve noticed many Step 2 cards in the Step 1 B&B tags. There are also considerably more cards per video as well. Is there a way I can revert to the previous way? Or a way to remove step 2 cards from the B&B video tags? Thanks!
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Because of the considerable overlap between the Step 1 and Step 2 exams, it is a natural consequence that there will be many cards that are tagged by both (as that card may be relevant for both exams).
That being said, if a card is tagged by Step 1 that means it is relevant for Step 1.
If it is tagged by both Step 1 and Step 2, it is relevant for both. If it is tagged only by Step 2, then it’s relevant only for Step 2, etc.
Let me know if that makes sense, and if you have any other questions I can help with.
Thanks for your response! That does make sense.
I’ve noticed that the videos now have another tag labeled underneath called “extra,” and this seems to be where all the new cards were added. Just wanted to share that in case anybody else has a similar question.
Just to make sure I’m seeing the same thing, can you send me a screencap of the ‘extra’ thing you’re mentioning?
Hi there,
I just synced my anking and noticed my renal B&B tag has gone from 1600 cards to approximately 2400 cards. Some are not relevant to renal (I’ve noticed neurology cards under the renal section with no correlation) and others are marked as step 2 only cards while being in the step one section. I’ve attached a screenshot of an example card below under the B&B renal tag.
I have also noticed some tags having the amount of cards doubled since syncing my Anking today. Under B&B renal, some tags went from 70-80 cards to almost 200. I am not sure if this change was intentional or a glitch, but it makes studying using the cards extremely difficult since now so many are disordered throughout the entire renal tag.
Thank you for your attention to this time sensitive matter.
Hi there, there are many cards now tagged “Step 2 only” in the B&B Step 1 deck, under the “extra” section for each video. I have attached an example of such a card, tagged under “tag:#AK_Step1_v12::#B&B::19_Renal::03_Electrolytes::03_Sodium_Disorders” in the “extra” section
I think perhaps this update should be reversed until these bugs can be worked out. Or if not, is there a way we can individually do that on our end?
Having almost 200 new cards for just one video is kinda crazy lol. I agree that it would be a good idea to reverse these changes in the meantime, as it is very frustrating to study without proper tagging currently.
^^ I agree with the comments above. While many cards are in the extra tag, there are also many cards (like Step 2 cards) that are in the original tags. A fix would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone figure out how to reverse this? My hematology exams coming up and the numerous additional cards will make it impossible to cover.
I think your best bet for right now is to use another tag in the meantime like bootcamp, pathoma, etc.
what if I click on the #extra tags and like temporarily hide them or something? Any tips for using this strategy?
Also any advice on choosing between pathoma BB and bootcamp? right now just trying BB for first exam
I’ve been comparing Anking deck card counts from my current synced deck to an unsynced deck. BnB Cardio on my current deck displays 3024 total cards vs unsynced deck displays 1734. My current renal BnB deck is 2367 compared to unsynced at 1647. My hematology at 2499 compared to unsynced 1598!! I have emailed support@ankihub.net and am waiting for a response. It seems like bootcamp/ FA were not affected/ very minimally; however, I primarily use BnB tags to study as they are highest yield for my purposes.
Even if you hide the “extra” tag, it seems like there are still some cards in the regular tag that are not related to the topic as someone else in the topic has posted about it. Pathoma is for pathology and wouldn’t cover physiology, so bootcamp would be a more comprehensive tag if you just wanted to use one tag for everything. Its typically more efficient to just unsuspend based on the resource that you used, but since the B&B tag is currently like this, I would use something else to unsuspend even if you watch the B&B video for the topic.
Yeah this has to be changed. Currently reviewing Neuro and every video has an additional 20-30 cards
Is there a way we can return to the old tags? Or possibly have every new card that was added in the “extra” tag and keep all original B&B tags completely separate? That would allow us to easily suspend the new cards if one chooses to. @AnKingMed
Thank you all for reaching out to us and for your feedback. This is crucial to us so we can improve things for you and everyone else.
We understand your frustration regarding BNB videos having way too many tags, and tags for Step 2, and we’re working on our next steps forward on resolving this. We’ll keep you in the loop!
Thank you for your patience and understanding
I noticed this as well. Certain sub decks like B&B neruo::02 structures got doubled but one of them has only one card in it. No idea if that’s related or not. I think I saw something like this in another sub deck.
I just started a new chat on this since I couldn’t find this forum. It is unbelievably frustrating to see 300+ cards in some of these tags that are not related to what was covered in the video. Some of these cards have nothing to do with step 1 and saying that there is overlap isn’t good enough to add 30-40 extra cards of condition specific work up/management.