Whenever I unsuspend the Anking deck and do it, even if I hit Hard or Again multiple times, I still get the same card at the same interval. When I hit good, which is currently set at 1 day, I get 1 day again but this time for Hard as well as Good. I have to do the same cards all day, every day because I do not want to press Good as the intervals get messed up. Attached is the screenshot of my intervals.
I hope this makes sense. Does anyone have any advice?
If you post your question on https://forums.ankiweb.net you’ll probably get faster answers from knowledgeable Anki users. I think it’s normal to get the same short intervals if you only press Again or Hard.
I get that, but sometimes, like I mentioned, I get the same time for both hard and good (1 day). Also, I had to use someone from my school to edit my settings as they were initially all the same time, so I don’t know what they did to my settings. Any help would be great.
So I think one thing that may be happening to you is that the intervals displayed when reviewing are sort of rounded. Meaning that if I’m studying at 11:30 PM and an interval is 15 minutes, it will show 15m. If the interval is 5 hours, meaning it will be due the next day, it will display 1d.
Below I try to explain how Anki works and what happens when you hit each button:
The first time you see a card it is “new”, after that it is “learning”, and once you’ve completed the learning steps it is graduated to “review”. The card progresses through learning steps when you select Good, meaning the intervals will advance. If you hit Again, the card returns to the first interval. If you hit hard, it remains at its current step. In your settings, there is only one learning step (15m). Anki will assign this to the Again option, because hitting again moves it to the first step. It will assign the Good option the interval for a card progressed to review, because good moves the card to the next learning step and if there is only one step it has completed it. If there are two learning steps it will assign the first to Again, the second to Good, and average them for Hard (eg, 1h 5h → Again = 1h, Hard = 3h, Good = 5h). If there are two learning steps then after your second Good in a row, the card will graduate.
With the settings you have, here’s what I believe the intervals should be starting from a New card:
Hitting Good will “graduate” the card to review and make the interval your “Graduating interval” so 1 day. In a day when that card comes up and you hit Good again, it should multiply the current interval by the “Starting ease” (1 day * 2.5 = 2.5 days). Each subsequent good should also multiply the interval by 2.5.
If you keep selecting Good, the interval in which you will see that card is meant to get larger and larger. When you hit Good it means you know the card; repeated Goods mean you know it very well and are not forgetting it for longer periods of time and therefore do not need to study it again for an even longer period of time.