My anki deck is showing 0 cards

My anki deck is showing 0 cards. I have subscribe and added the add on but no cards are showing up. I can only see when I go to browse. Do we have to use anki 2.0 or 2.1 ?
Following the below mentioned steps did not help. It is only adding one card at a time.

{If you have just installed the AnKing Step deck and you have 0 cards.
This just means that all the cards are currently suspended.

To see the cards:

  1. Go to browse
  2. On the left-hand side, go to tags
  3. Find the tag you want to use (for example, #AK_Step1_V12)
  4. Click on a card
  5. Right click β†’ toggle suspend}


You have to Ctrl + A all the cards then right click toggle suspend if you want to see all of them

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