Can a deck maintainer delete a note?
If an owner deletes a note, is it automatically uploaded to ankihub?
How to sync (delete) the notes that I deleted to the ankihub collaborative deck?
If I suspend a note, will it sync to ankihub and suspend that note to all subscribers?
There’s currently no way to delete notes but we’re working on it.
Upending cards does not affect others
That’s not completely ideal, imo. Perhaps you guys should focus a little less on anking decks and a little more on general basic features. But thanks anyway
The software team actually doesn’t work on the AnKing decks and the AnKing deck is desperately in need of a way to delete cards. The reason it’s not a feature yet is because they’ve been busy fixing high priority bugs or working on higher priority features. We are actively discussing how to best add this feature however and I imagine it’ll be an option in the next few months
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