Hi! Could I get someone to change the description of my optional tag group “UKYCOM” on the main AnKing deck (seen here: Sign In)
Would like it updated to the below text whenever you get a chance, thank you!
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Make sure to check out the AnKing folder / “AnKing UKY” guide on your class drive for more information/tips on how to use the AnKing deck and these tags
Tagged for each systems course from Foundations to Multisystems
*Foundations and Heme/Lymph may need some updated tagging
Class of '26 Maintainers: Cameron Evans, Shelby Montgomery, John Slaughter, and Haseeb Ahmad
Class of '27 Maintainer(s): Edward Lee Major III
@Ahmed7 My optional tag group is now showing only 1 subscriber (last night had ~135) and is showing this message when trying to suggest optional tags. Pls help