AnkiHub Flashcard Selector Bug

Hello, when I filter my “text” notes on the “What are you currently studying” prompt for suspended/unsuspended (under the state filter) and then filter the focus, all of the available cards disappear. Please see the attached images:

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It looks like you are searching for only suspended cards. Is that intentional?

You might try toggling that off and trying the search again and let me know how/if that works for you. :slight_smile:

Hi! I was using that just as an example. The same occurs with unsuspended. Also I don’t know if it’s just me, but the quality of the card selection with note input has decreased (I am getting more irrelevant cards than relevant ones).

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Can you try the search again, but leave the ‘state’ blank like this:


Let me know how/if that changes the search results returned and we’ll go from there. :slight_smile:

I’ve attached a screen recording to show the changes in the search results. Leaving the state blank is the only way I can filter by % relevency. Thank you for helping with this issue!

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I am having this same issue.

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Hello, any updates on fixing this bug? It’s still occurring when I go to unsuspend my cards using the flashcard selector. @Brian_BH


Hello, we’ve passed it along to the developers, and they are now aware of the issue. :slight_smile:

I haven’t received a time estimate, or any updates, just yet but I will be sure to communicate them as soon as the developers give us a timeline for a fix.

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Hi Brian. Thank you for the follow up, I appreciate it!

Looking forward to the fix!


Any updates regarding this issue?


I see that the developers have flagged the issue and it’s in the ‘build’ phase. The technical details are over my head but I know that they are actively working on it as we speak. :slight_smile: