Ankihub tells me my scholarship was approved, but I am still seeing the become a member request?

Applied for scholarship and am getting the approved notification, but when I try to sync decks in Anki it tells me that the action requires I be a member, and same on the AnkiHub page?

Did the email explicitly say that you were approved for a scholarship? When did you apply?

No email, just the notifications on the page.

Alright, check now, it should be working!

Thank you for choosing AnkiHub :grinning:

It is, thanks for the support!

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Well looks like I spoke too soon, I am having the same issue, with the same notifications.


It should be active again, this is odd, not sure why it keeps reverting.

@andrew do you know what might be causing this?

Still showing the same, not sure if it reverted or just remained.

Okay, try now

Will have @andrew investigate this, it might keep happening however. Sorry about this!

It’s fine now. I’ll let you know if it happens again. I can wait a while when syncing while this is fixed if it does.

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Happened again. No rush for syncing, just thought I’d let you know.

Did you originally apply for a scholarship on 2023-02-11? If that’s the case, your scholarship end date was set for 6 months later on 2023-08-11. Scholarships are only active for 6 months.

So is the issue that you are unable to request another scholarship after your first one expired?

Ah okay.

I wondered if this was the issue, but I did not remember when I applied for the first scholarship, and when I tried to apply it told me my request was active, so I dismissed it.

So yes, I cannot apply for another scholarship.

Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying! It looks like we might have a bug then. I’ll go ahead and activate your membership. You should be good to go for another 6 months! I’ll look into making sure we don’t prevent people from reapplying for scholarships.

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Hello, I’m not able to request a scholarship. On the page, it continues to show me to “create account” even though I already have one. When I click on create account, I’m directed to my account and only see the option to “Subscribe to Unlimited Decks by Becoming a member!” How can I request financial scholarship before becoming a member?

You can apply for a scholarship here:

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