Scholarship membership not showing up

Hi, I applied for scholarship and was approved. However, when I log in to AnkiHub, it shows that I do not have a membership, so I can’t subscribe to decks. I followed all instructions (made the account first, etc.). When I try to go to apply for scholarship again, I am simply informed that I have already applied.

The category for general support questions related to using AnkiHub.

Things not to ask about here:

Please include supporting information and documents such as screenshots, recordings, complete error messages, etc.

I have notified the developers about your issue.

They will be with you shortly.

Apologies for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience! :slight_smile:

Your membership is active.

Hi, I have the same issue, where I was supposed to have an active Ankihub scholarship account until the end of the year. However, when I came to sync recently for the first time in a while I got this error…
Even though It was supposed to be active until the end of the year.

Thanks so much!


Your scholarship has expired.

Please reapply here:

If it says you already applied, this is just a visual bug.

You will receive an email from us soon regarding your scholarship application


Oh Okay, I thought it was for a year. Thankyou so much for your prompt answer, I am sure you are all really busy, I see your answers in particular on reddit as well all the time, So I am sure you have a lot going on. Appreciate it heaps!

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Hello, Ahmed.

I can’t reapply to scholarship. It says scholarships are not available to users with active membership. What should I do?


You can reapply once your existing scholarship is up. :slight_smile:

Please let me know if that answers your question, and if there’s anything else I can help with.