AnkiHub update not working and won't let me sync

This started on 4/10 when AnkiHub said there was an update, but it wouldn’t download it properly. It’s giving me the error message that is below. I tried disabling add-ons but that did not help. I have the latest version of Anki. I started doing my reviews today and it is now saying that I can’t sync unless I update AnkiHub first, and I really don’t want to lose my progress as I’ve already done hundreds of cards today.

An error occurred. Please start Anki while holding down the shift key, which will temporarily disable the add-ons you have installed.
If the issue only occurs when add-ons are enabled, please use the Tools > Add-ons menu item to disable some add-ons and restart Anki, repeating until you discover the add-on that is causing the problem.
When you’ve discovered the add-on that is causing the problem, please report the issue to the add-on author.
Debug info:
Anki 2.1.61 (0c1eaf4c) Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.3.2 PyQt 6.3.1
Platform: macOS-11.7.3-x86_64-i386-64bit
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=2
Add-ons, last update check: 2023-04-13 10:09:33
Add-ons possibly involved: ⁨AnkiHub⁊

Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt.taskman”, line 122, in _on_closures_pending
File “aqt.taskman”, line 71, in
File “decorator”, line 232, in fun
File “anki.hooks”, line 89, in decorator_wrapper
File “anki.hooks”, line 86, in repl
File “/Users/figeon/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1322529746/”, line 52, in _check_future_for_exceptions
File “concurrent.futures._base”, line 439, in result
File “concurrent.futures._base”, line 391, in __get_result
File “concurrent.futures.thread”, line 58, in run
File “aqt.addons”, line 1168, in
File “aqt.addons”, line 1184, in _download_all
File “aqt.addons”, line 1129, in download_and_install_addon
File “aqt.addons”, line 430, in install
File “decorator”, line 232, in fun
File “anki.hooks”, line 89, in decorator_wrapper
File “anki.hooks”, line 86, in repl
File “/Users/figeon/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1322529746/”, line 27, in _with_sentry_report_about_user_files_on_error
raise e
File “/Users/figeon/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1322529746/”, line 24, in _with_sentry_report_about_user_files_on_error
return _old(*args, **kwargs)
File “aqt.addons”, line 453, in _install
File “decorator”, line 232, in fun
File “anki.hooks”, line 89, in decorator_wrapper
File “anki.hooks”, line 84, in repl
File “decorator”, line 232, in fun
File “anki.hooks”, line 89, in decorator_wrapper
File “anki.hooks”, line 84, in repl
File “decorator”, line 232, in fun
File “anki.hooks”, line 89, in decorator_wrapper
File “anki.hooks”, line 86, in repl
File “/Users/figeon/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1322529746/”, line 134, in _with_disabled_log_file_handler
result = _old(*args, **kwargs)
File “aqt.addons”, line 726, in backupUserFiles
OSError: [Errno 66] Directory not empty: ‘/Users/figeon/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1322529746/user_files’ → ‘/Users/figeon/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/files_backup’

Also, I just tried the “updating the add-ons fails” on the link below which did not work.

In this case please remove the add-on (using the Tools → Add-ons dialog). You might need to disable it first and restart Anki before you can remove it.
Then install the add-on again, here’s the AnkiWeb link: AnkiHub - AnkiWeb

After the add-on is installed, you will have to subscribe to the decks you want to get updates for, because deleting the add-on will also delete this information.

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Thank you, this worked.

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And just to double check, when resubscribing to the Anking Overhaul deck it says:

Would you like to proceed with downloading and installing the deck? Your personal collection will be modified.

This won’t modify the scheduling or unsuspended cards right? I don’t want to lose my progress on thousands of cards.

Subscribing to the deck won’t modify the scheduling of cards and it won’t unsuspend or suspend cards with one exception. The exception is that if all cards for a note are suspended and a new card is added for the note, the new card will be suspended too. This is generally what you want to happen in this case. The add-on has a config option which lets you change what happens in this situation if needed.

The add-on also creates a backup before importing the deck, so you can go back to the version before the import if you want to, but this shouldn’t be necessary. Here’s more information about backups and how to restore a previous version of your collection using them: Backups - Anki Manual

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Reinstalled it and it looks good, thanks.

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