Anking images not showing up

Hey everyone! Iโ€™m having trouble getting my anking images to show up. This has been happening for the last several days ever since I updated to the latest anki version. Not sure if itโ€™s something on my end.

To clarify: some images are showing up, while others are not


You have to reimport media and you will get those images.

Please make sure you have followed the relevant steps in this Wiki

Here is more information on images, media, sources, etc.

Hi Ahmed, thank you for your help. Where can I go to reimport media?

Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 11.06.37 AM

What media file do I need to import?

This is answered in the Wiki

I have attempted to upload the Anking V12 media with the same problem occurring. I am subscribed to AnkiHub so Iโ€™m confused why the media is not syncing with AnkiHub.

Can you not see any images that you were previously missing after importing media still?

Yes, thatโ€™s correct

I believe it may have something to do with the First Aid and additional notes copyright

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