👑 AnKing MCAT Deck Update #1

AnKing MCAT Deck Update #1 (Feb 1st - Apr 25th)

Hey everyone! :wave:

Welcome to the first AnKing MCAT Deck update. :grin:

My name is Michael. Earlier this year, I joined the AnkiHub team as the lead MCAT deck maintainer :partying_face:. Y’all might have already seen me on the community but here’s a bit about myself:

Since graduating college, I’ve lived in Texas :cowboy_hat_face: and will matriculate into med school this fall. Last year, I took the MCAT - it was a beast of an exam but what got me through was efficient study methods, and even more so: efficient study resources. Anki was, by far, a centerpiece, and having taken the MCAT just a year ago, the AnKing deck has already improved so much more with the addition of the Mr. Pankow deck. Here’s to continuing that momentum! :muscle:

:white_check_mark: Deck Updates

Since our MCAT deck went live on AnkiHub, here’s an overview of what has been going on behind the scenes:

:tada: 15,443 note updates!

:woman_health_worker: :man_health_worker: 2,463 total subscribers!

:construction: Projects

UWorld Tagging

1,213 tag suggestions so far! Many more to come. Huge thanks to Ethan Damron, one of our AnKing Step deck maintainers, for leading this! Shoutout to @Brian_BH for 400+ tag suggestions since the beginning of this year!

Image Occlusion for Pathways

You asked for it and we listened! We’ll condense our notes for pathways like glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, etc to just one image occlusion note each.

:helmet_with_white_cross: We Need Your Help!

We want to know from the community (you all!) what you would like us to feature on future updates (feedback polling, new projects, etc)? Vote below to let us know!

What would you like to see in the update posts? (check all that apply)

  • Deck Updates
  • New/Ongoing Projects
  • Feedback Polling (e.g. gather opinions on 1by1 / other topics)
  • Suggestion Guideline Updates
  • New Maintainers
  • Other (comment below!)
0 voters

🫶🏼 Community Shoutouts

There were a few community members who stood out with their contributions this month!

Top 3 community members with the most suggestions accepted since this year:

  1. @Brian_BH (427)
  2. @Parker (135)
  3. @Valerieloz (39)

:link: Useful Links

Need support from our team? Make a post here: https://community.ankihub.net

Frequently asked questions: :question: FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20

Don’t forget to check out the AnKing MCAT Deck wiki: [Wiki] AnKing MCAT by AnKingMed

Make sure to follow us on Instagram to never miss out on the latest information: The AnKing (@ankingmed) • Instagram photos and videos

:wave: Wrapping up

Now, let’s hear from you! What do you want to see improved or added to the deck? Send a reply in the discussion below to let us know!

Thank you all for making this year as amazing as it has been! See you soon for the next update!

To our May and June test takers, hit it out the park! :muscle:

Best wishes,

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if I use the anking mcat deck tags for my own cards will they get deleted when it syncs with ankihub? Say I add a card that aligns with other cards under #AK_MCAT_v2::#Kaplan::Biology::Ch-02-Reproduction and i use the same tag for my personal card I just added. Will my personal card get deleted after sync?

No, your personal card will not be deleted. AnkiHub cannot alter local cards that are not on AnkiHub

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Sorry, new here! I was able to find the tags by Kaplan chapters but for behavioral it just says Miledown behavioral…this section isn’t split by Kaplan chapters. Is that intentional and if so, is there a way to break it down by chapters?


Im wondering the same thing. Also where is Mr.Pankows cards?

Hey @brandon.daniels,

The behavioral deck isn’t tagged exactly by Kaplan chapters. Though the general topics it is tagged by are relatively easy to link to the Kaplan chapter names and subsection titles.

The Pankow cards are within the behavioral subdeck.