đź‘‘ AnKing MCAT Deck Update #2

AnKing MCAT Deck Update #2 (April 26th - December 10th)

Hey everyone! :wave:

I hope you’re all doing well!

It’s been a minute since the last one, but now that we’ve got some sea legs underneath us let’s check out what’s been cooking behind the scenes :fire:

:white_check_mark: Deck Updates

Since our MCAT deck went live on AnkiHub, here’s an overview of what has been going on:

:tada: 22,348 note updates!

:woman_health_worker: :man_health_worker: 9,888 total subscribers!

:construction: Projects

:art: Illustration Projects

Lots of illustrations, diagrams, and annotated images have been added!

Thanks to @ahmedafifi, @aiman, and others.

If you’re interested in helping make great illustrations or diagrams or annotated images for the MCAT deck (like the ones you see below), please send an email to




UWorld Question Bank Tagging

Tagging by UWorld questions is 90+% complete. Some UWorld questions are passage-based or self-contained and so not all questions can necessarily be tagged (for example, CARS questions). That being said we’d love to get that up to 100% so if you notice a card that should be tagged, and isn’t, please feel free to make a suggestion.

UWorld Textbook Tagging

This has, finally, officially gotten under way. We’re about 10-15% done with tagging the deck via the UWorld textbooks and hope to get the whole thing done in the near future. If you’d like to help out, or see a card that should be tagged and isn’t, please reach out. :slight_smile:

:helmet_with_white_cross: We Need Your Help!

The MCAT deck always benefits from contributions from the user base! If you’re interested in helping to tag, or create useful images, please reach out; many hands make light work!

🫶🏼 Community Shoutouts

A few community members were outstanding with their suggestions this month and we want to highlight their dedication!

Top 3 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:

  1. @kevinpanini (77)
  2. @ws1022 (31)
  3. @matchakitkat (16)

🫶🏼 Most Liked Suggestions

Another domain we’d like to highlight is the number of likes/upvotes a user received for their suggestions in the last month! This usually means their suggestions were really well done and greatly benefited the deck:

  1. @kevinpanini (37 likes)
  2. @pkaps01 (9 likes)
  3. @sthug (6 likes)

:wave: Wrapping up

Now, let’s hear from you! What do you want to see improved or added to the deck? Send a reply in the discussion below to let us know!

Thank you all for making this year as amazing as it has been! See you soon for the next update!

To our spring test takers, good luck and let’s hit it out the park! :muscle:

Best wishes,
The AnKing team

:link: Useful Links

Need support from our team? Make a post here: https://community.ankihub.net

Frequently asked questions: :question: FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20

Don’t forget to check out the AnKing MCAT Deck wiki: [Wiki] AnKing MCAT by AnKingMed

Make sure to follow us on Instagram to never miss out on the latest information: The AnKing (@ankingmed) • Instagram photos and videos


:clap: Great work @Brian_BH !!

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Where can I bring attention to cards that say “No cloze __ found?”

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You would just use the empty cards feature:


Are there updated tags for every equation in all subjects? that would be extremely helpful to go thru all equation cards separately.


Equations have long-since been tagged in the MCAT deck. There is even a whole subdeck dedicated to them:


Hi there, thank you all for your investment into this wonderful deck. Can you help me learn how i can suspend cards by specific topic? It would be nice if i could suspend all the P/S deck then unsuspend only topics i have covered so far like sensory perception.

Is this possible? If so, can you help me figure this out?


This is typically a use-case for tags. :slight_smile:

This tutorial can walk you through the basics: How to Get Started Studying

Please let me know if that answers your question, and if there’s anything else I can help with. :slight_smile:

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thank you, this worked a couple of days ago and I forgot to respond in time!

I am now having problems resolving an issue with my computer’s internal clock. For some reason, I keep getting this message every couple of days after i resolve this issue. I am on anki version 24.06.2 since my laptop could not download the newest update for some reason even though I am on 2020 macbook pro w MacOS sequoia 15.2. Sorry to bug, but any advice on what can be going wrong?

My anking deck studying has been going great and i just wanna stay consistent but i am currently unable to sync my decks because of this internal clock issue

That one’s over my head.

For really granular Anki-specific stuff you’ll want to reach out on the official Anki forums: https://forums.ankiweb.net/

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