👑 AnKing MCAT Deck Update #4 (January 10th - February 12th)

:crown: AnKing MCAT Deck Update #4 (January 10th - February 12th)

Hey hey everyone! :wave:

I hope you’re all doing well!

Coming in hot since our most recent update in January, and now that we’re heading into Busy Season with lots of MCAT testing dates coming up let’s take a look at what’s on the docket :fire:

:white_check_mark: Deck Updates

Since our MCAT deck went live on AnkiHub, here’s an overview of what’s under the hood:

:tada: 31,574 note updates!

:woman_health_worker: :man_health_worker: 13,068 total subscribers!

:construction: Projects

:art: Illustration Projects

Lots of illustrations, diagrams, and annotated images have been added!

Thanks to @ahmedafifi, @pkaps01, and others.

If you’re interested in helping make great illustrations or diagrams or annotated images for the MCAT deck (like the ones you see below), please send an email to

:memo: # UWorld Question Bank Tagging

Tagging by UWorld questions is 95+% complete. Some UWorld questions are passage-based or self-contained and so not all questions can necessarily be tagged (for example, CARS questions). That being said we’d love to get that up to 100% so if you notice a card that should be tagged, and isn’t, please feel free to make a suggestion.

Submission guidelines for tags, and anything else, can be found here: AnKing MCAT Deck Submission Guidelines

:books: # UWorld Textbook Tagging

We’re about 40% done with tagging the deck via the UWorld textbooks and hope to get the whole thing done in the near future. Inch by inch onward and upward. :slight_smile:

:man_teacher: New Maintainer

We are very pleased to announce the presence of our newest maintainer! They’ve been super helpful, contributing tons of updates and improvements and formatting changes for your studying pleasure. Please give a warm welcome to:

@pkaps01 :clap::clap:

:helmet_with_white_cross: We Need Your Help!

The MCAT deck always benefits from contributions from the user base! If you’re interested in helping to tag, or create useful images, please reach out; many hands make light work!

🫶🏼 Community Shoutouts

A few community members were outstanding with their suggestions this month and we want to highlight their dedication!

Top 3 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:

  1. @pkaps01 (142)
  2. @ws1022 (71)
  3. @AhmedAfifi (6)

🫶🏼 Most Liked Suggestions

Another domain we’d like to highlight is the number of likes/upvotes a user received for their suggestions in the last month! This usually means their suggestions were really well done and greatly benefited the deck:

  1. @pkaps01 (142 likes)
  2. @ws1022 (106 likes)
  3. @AhmedAfifi (12 likes)

:wave: Wrapping up

Now, let’s hear from you! What do you want to see improved or added to the deck? Send a reply in the discussion below to let us know!

Thank you all for making this year as amazing as it has been! See you soon for the next update!

To our spring test takers, good luck and let’s hit it out the park! :muscle:

Best wishes,
The AnKing team

:link: Useful Links

Need support from our team? Make a post here: https://community.ankihub.net

Frequently asked questions: :question: FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20

Don’t forget to check out the AnKing MCAT Deck wiki: [Wiki] AnKing MCAT by AnKingMed

Make sure to follow us on Instagram to never miss out on the latest information: The AnKing (@ankingmed) • Instagram photos and videos


Yo, accuracy is NOT “also known as validity”. Your AnKing card got that wrong, and essentially fumbled that definition of validity - which is a combination of accuracy and reliability. Like many of you on the AnKing team, I have published research and even got a 1st authorship; that card gave me a HARD internal cringe. You guys got the bullseye target picture right, just not the explanation. Sorry i don’t have a noteID at the moment, but its tagged as being from one of the last chapters of the physics kaplan book. I definitely suggest fixing that explanation. I am a paid sub btw, and I do appreciate your work. I just had to say something about that travesty. Everything else with the updates looks pretty good so far though.


Thank you for the feedback, always welcome. :slight_smile:

As you note, the card is tagged by a Kaplan chapter as the phrasing is taken directly from the textbook which states “accuracy, also called validity, is the ability of…” So, if there is a discrepancy, it comes directly from a primary source.

In general, we try to hew directly to primary MCAT resources and, at least in this case, it would appear that this is what the primary source states, cringes and travesty notwithstanding. :slight_smile:

That being said, anytime you see anything that you feel like merits an update, or correction, or anything at all feel free to use the ‘suggest a change’ feature and the maintainers will take a look at it:

Guidance on submitting suggestions can be found here as well, if it’s helpful: AnKing MCAT Deck Submission Guidelines


Amazing work sir :clap::clap: @Brian_BH

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You guys are very much by-the-books, which I can appreciate. I skim the Kaplan chapters before looking over the cards, but dang. I did not realize this was textually verbatim. Wow… I can’t believe Kaplan would make such an egregious error. My old PI would have a fit if he saw this. I would absolutely argue against that text’s representation of the relationship between accuracy and validity. It’s almost like saying a donkey is also known as a horse. I use anki almost exclusively on ipad/iOS, so I couldn’t use the ‘suggest change’ feature when I saw it recently. But I will find/tag it and send in a change note. I’ll try to suggest some good phrasing to address how Kaplan states it this way, but the way they state it, isn’t quite… “accurate”.

Bro chill :joy:

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How can i get the update?

Im kind of confused in the steps.


As long as you have an active Ankihub account, and are subscribed to the MCAT deck, you get updates each time you hit sync. :slight_smile:

The whole design of Ankihub is such that updates are pushed out to your local collection on a rolling basis, so you don’t have to do anything special (other than staying subscribed, and hitting the ‘sync’ button).

Let me know if that answers your question, and if there’s anything else I can help with. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the fast response!
That helps with my question!

Thank you!


I was logged out of my account, but have been using the flashcards. When I logged back in and re-added the add on, I got this message.

If I click install, would it take away all of my progress? I was just trying to get all the new updates with the flashcards.

Let me know! Thank you!



It won’t reset your deck. If you click ‘Install’ it will just run a check against your local collection and, once it determines that all of the cards are present, nothing much will happen.

You can always make a backup first, if you prefer. But it’s pretty routine otherwise. :slight_smile:

Hello, when you say “We’re about 40% done with tagging the deck via the UWorld textbooks and hope to get the whole thing done in the near future. Inch by inch onward and upward,” does that mean that some books are completed and some aren’t. Or are the ones that are completed tagged correctly. If you could clarify that would be great. Thanks!


Both, really. We’re currently in the process of doing a first-pass tagging of the UWorld textbooks, so some textbooks have received a first-pass and others haven’t been reached yet. Right now we’re probably closer to about 55% done.

The books that have received a complete first-pass run are Biochem, Biology, Gen Chem, and Organic Chem. Physics is currently underway as of this morning. Ideally, Physics and Behavioral Sciences tagging will be complete in the next 6-10 weeks or so.

It’s probably worth pointing out that a first-pass means that we’ve gone through the books and made sure that existing cards in the deck are tagged by the appropriate chapter/s. It’s probably best to think of it as rough draft at the moment.

It doesn’t mean, though, that every detail touched on in the UWorld chapters currently has cards that cover those topics (the UWorld books are newer, comparatively more dense, and information-rich, and the process of creating new cards to potentially cover all that detail will be a whole other process that won’t take place until after tagging is complete). What that process will look like is still an open question at this time.

Hopefully that answers your question/s though if there’s anything else I can help with happy to be of help however I can. :slight_smile: