I can’t seem to successfully create a collaborative deck. When I click [AnkiHub], [Create Collaborative Deck], check the box to agree to terms, [yes], select the deck, then after I click [Upload], a window will pop up for a split of a second before it disappears. This keeps happening and I don’t know how to proceed from here.
Please help
I clicked [help], [upload logs] to get this: ankihub_addon_logs_1d588_1687965644.log
Can you confirm which Anki version you are using? Please note that updating to the latest Anki version isn’t recommended as we’ve observed some issues with it. Can you try 2.1.64 Qt6 (Which anki version to use? - #2 by Nick)?
Installing the Qt5 version of Anki should fix the problem. You can download it from the Anki website: https://apps.ankiweb.net/. The download button for the Qt5 version is below the main download button.
I am also encountering this problem. However, here does not appear to be a QT5 version for Apple Silicon-based Macs: Releases · ankitects/anki · GitHub . Is there an ETA for fixing the QT6 problem?
@jakub.f , is it right that the Qt6 incompatible issues are only present in the latest Anki version? Did you try the Qt6 build for Anki version 2.1.64, @stephenmaturin ?