Custom deck no longer uploading new cards

So I made a custom deck to share with my classmates however, I added new cards and when I press sync they’re not uploading to the deck so my classmates aren’t able to see the new cards I made. Am I doing something wrong?


Whenever you make new cards, you have to suggest them and accept them. Syncing won’t automatically upload the cards and accept them

Hey. Thank you for your response. How would I suggest cards and also accept them?

In the new cards you have created, you will see a button that says “suggest new card”

Then you can tick “accept without review” and it will automatically upload to your ankihub deck

So that option isn’t even allowed for me. Am I missing something?

This is because the note type needs to be the ankihub one.

Which means, you must right click on the card you want to upload → change note type → find the one that has brackets around it with your username in it (ppate630) → then you can suggest it

It’s working now. Thank you

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