Decks that are not downloading on Mac

hello so I ve been trying to sync my Anki hub with my Anki but the decks that I am subscribed to don t download I am using Macbook
, can someone help me with that ?

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You can also find answers to common questions in our FAQ and Docs.


Can you confirm you have done the following?

  1. You have downloaded the ankihub addon and signed in
  2. You have subscribed to the deck you want
  3. You have clicked sync in Anki and clicked install
  4. You clicked upload to ankiweb if prompted in Anki

hi , I did that already , everything is order the thing is Anki goes to the download window then tells me that there are zero updates for the decks I subscribed on even tho I don t even have them on my Anki page , I just changed my computer from windows to Mac , everything was working fine in my old computer . for example in here you have the 100 concepts that I subscribed to it written 'note downloaded : 0 ’ , I tried subscribing and unsubsribing from the deck again and again but nothing changed , I deleted the add-on and put it back also nothing changed


Were you logged into Ankiweb on both devices? If so, your old collection should be preserve and would sync instantly.

It does look like some of your decks are syncing appropriately, yeah?

You might try resetting the '100 concept’s deck: Resetting Local Changes

Let me know if that helps, and we’ll go from there. :slight_smile:

thank youuu it worked ! but the imagines on the cards don t appear I only have a small emoticon instead

Since you just reset the deck it may take a while for the media to sync. :slight_smile:

I haven’t used that deck specifically, but give it a little bit and see if the media completes syncing and displays properly. If not, feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to help you troubleshoot further. :slight_smile: