Trouble syncing. Please HELP!

Help… I don’t know why ankihub deck is not syncing into my computer. I’ve already followed the instructions to download the extension and press sync. Afterwards the Anking deck is still empty. Wh

The category for general support questions related to using AnkiHub.

Things not to ask about here:

Please include supporting information and documents such as screenshots, recordings, etc.


Can you take a screenshot of your Anki right now?

  1. Did you click upload to ankiweb when prompted?
  2. If you see 0 cards, see this: Why does my AnKing Step Deck have 0 cards?

no cards showing

Okay try this

Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields

Sorry, I’m really a newbie. But where is the reset all local changes found?

thank you!

Once you click browse on anki → go to the top till the mac menu bar pops up, click on ankihub and you will see a button that says “reset all local changes” (you have to click browse first for this to work)