A few days ago, I changed the names of the subdecks in my Anki deck. However, whenever I perform a user test sync, it downloads the decks with their original names.
I searched this forum for solutions to similar issues, but none of the suggestions resolved my problem.
I even re-uploaded the entire deck with the renamed subdecks, but this didn’t solve the issue. It still downloads parts of the deck with the old names.
The subdeck labels on AnkiHub were named correctly, but after syncing it also rolls them back to the previous version. I’ve attached a screenshot highlighting the unexpected behavior after synchronization, marked in yellow.
I would like to know if you can do a test download of the ErreAnki deck to check if everything is happening correctly, especially regarding the subdecks.
I renamed them a few days ago and since then I’ve been having problems as I reported in support, I don’t feel comfortable making this request here, but as the activation of the subscriptions will be tomorrow, I’m worried, would it be possible to rename them from there or do you recommend that I will upload it again
In this last option, I would be sad because the update history would be lost, but if it is necessary for the best user experience, I could do that.
We can test this out today. @ankiclass can you share the latest version of your deck here so that we can see what the correct subdeck structure is (or tell us which one it is on AnkiHub)?
What didn’t work exactly? Did you accept the tag suggestions either by doing so on the web app or selecting “submit without review”? Were the tags successfully updated in the deck on AnkiHub? Did the tags appear locally when you synced? Were the tags updated correctly but it just didn’t effect the subdecks?
One important thing to note is that the subdecks of the deck are entirely determined by the AnkiHub_Subdeck tags on the notes in the deck.
These tags have this form: AnkiHub_Subdeck::deck_name::subdeck_name
These tags are automatically added to the notes of the deck when you click “Yes” on this dialog while creating the deck:
Create the AnkiHub deck again and confirm when asked if you want subdeck tags to be added.
After doing that, you can test the subdeck changes by toggling the Enable subdecks option of the deck in the Deck Management dialog (main Anki window → AnkiHub → Deck Management).
Toggling this option switches between the deck being organized into subdecks or not. By doing this you can test how the subdecks will look for your subscribers.
I hope this helps! Let me know if something is unclear.
If you don’t want to delete the current deck from AnkiHub to preserve the change history, we can think about some other solution to update the subdeck tags. Some people have e.g. been using the Convert Subdecks to Tag Hierarchy add-on to do this.
When I synchronize on the other profile, it updates with the following errors:
Old subdecks and their labels are visible
Subdecks with new names have “_” on the home screen (it should be a space)
Half of the flashcards are no longer associated with any of the subdecks, neither old nor new
All these changes were sent as a moderator
Yes, in the deck’s suggestions area they are visible
Even deleting all the tags that were related to the names of the old subdecks in the tests mentioned above, after synchronizing in another profile the old tags appear again
Yes, because even though they are associated with the notes, after synchronization, half of them do not remain associated with any subdeck
I wish re-uploading the deck were a last resort, as it has undergone numerous updates and improvements over the past month, and having a record of this progress brings me great satisfaction.
*But if there is something that needs to be done for the best usability of the deck, I can do that.
Can you export the deck as an .apkg file and send it to us here? Then we can adjust the subdeck tags of the deck on AnkiHub. Then you will be able to sync and get the right subdeck structure. Notes will be in the correct decks as well.
Uploading .apkg files directly is not supported here on the forum, but you can upload it if you put the .apkg file into a .zip or by uploading it to a file sharing service and sharing the link.
Unfortunately there is no solution for this currently.
@ankiclass, we thought this should be an easy fix, but we tried adjusting the subdeck tags on our end and unfortunately, we discovered a couple of issues that we are concerned about:
The deck that is on AnkiHub has several notes with the same Anki ID.
We’re not sure how this happened but it requires further investigation.
The deck you provided us with had a different number of notes than the one on AnkiHub (even when accounting for the duplicate notes on AnkiHub)
That said, I think we have two options:
You can delete your deck on AnkiHub and upload it again with the correct deck structure
This is the easiest option. If you do this, we can invite your users tomorrow after you do that.
Sadly, you will lose your history related to note suggestions there.
You can avoid deleting it, but this will delay us inviting your users until we can figure out the issue.
If ankiclass wants us to try fixing the current deck, he should export the deck from the Anki profile where he created the AnkiHub deck and send us the .apkg file. This should ensure that the Anki note ids match up with the ones on AnkiHub
Then we would just need to solve the problem with the duplicate notes / Anki note ids
Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem reasonable given your goal of launching your deck by tomorrow!
Please confirm how you’d like to proceed. @jakub.f will be available to invite your users tomorrow. Apologies that we couldn’t come up with a quick fix for your notes .
Thank you for your assistance, everyone. I apologize for creating this additional workload; I hadn’t anticipated it would require such extra effort.
Given my commitment to the subscribers for tomorrow, I’ve decided to delete the current deck and re-upload the .apkg with the necessary corrections.
Although it’s disheartening to lose all the work I’ve done in the last 2 months to prepare the deck for launch, from a certain perspective, it’s somewhat comforting to see this through the lens that future updates will be made collaboratively, which is the foundation of this entire endeavor.
I just checked and found only 8 duplicate notes, which I will rectify. Regarding the IDs, I’m not sure how this could have happened.