Got a backlog of 4k cards. How to deal with them? (Step 1 exam is in 6 months)

I did Sketchy Micro with Anki last year but quit using it. Recently, I started using Anki again, did Biochem, MSK(Ana) and Immuno cards and kept up with the reviews. I’ll prepare for Step 1 from Anki now and planning to do Sketchy Path and Pharm and uWorld incorrects in near future.

My problem is these 4k cards. I know I’ll get advised to sit down and grind through them. That’s what I’m doing rn. But, the issue is that these backlog cards are having interval of +3.5-6 months while my exam is in 6 months. What should I do? How to deal with them? Is there any way other than clicking Again on every long interval card?


If it’s been a long time since you’ve seen these cards. My recommendation would be resetting them and doing them again, if it’s really easy, just use the easy button.

This way you can at least know the material rather than pushing it 4-6 months in the future and potentially after your Step exam date