Help with anking- MACT

The category for general support questions related to using AnkiHub.
I already have the miledown deck on Anki. When I try to sync the anking-mcat, it motified the miledown cards that I already put notes on. Is there a way I can add the anking- mcat without having it motified my already cards?
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You can try this add-on to duplicate the cards so that they are given different note IDs, then delete the older ones and sync:

I tried the duplicate add-on, and it did not work.

Not sure why it didn’t work. AnkiHub checks the note IDs to decide whether to update the notes, so theoretically if you give your existing notes different IDs, it should stop updating them.

how can I change the note IDs? I looked on YouTube, but I couldn’t find any video on it. Thank you.

I suggested the Duplicate and Reorder for that purpose, but the add-on unfortunately doesn’t preserve the review history so it won’t work for your case. I tried several duplication add-ons but none provides a complete solution. You can separate the deck into a different profile but this is not a practical solution if you use AnkiWeb for syncing.