Went to the AnKing website for support & recommendations to do the flashcards faster for studying the MCAT. One of the tech members created a new “setting” for me. I like it but there is one problem. Unfortunately, the “new cards” or “review cards” that I finished answering that day gets placed in the “learning section (reds).” Its making it like I haven’t even completed it at all from that day.
I’m going to put a couple of pictures here of my old settings (first 4) & the new settings that the AnKing anki tech assistant did for me (last 4). I WOULD GREATELY APPRECIATE THE HELP. IT IS TAKING TWICE AS LONG TO DO THE CARDS NOW!!!
Also. I will be adding two more pics. It was constructed by the tech assistant. Maybe its interfering with the schedule. First pic is a filter deck made to study the cards I missed. The other pic is a Add-On created by the Anki team. Settings are made so “Review Cards” are due Sundays.
It appears this is because the new settings have an extra “learning” step.
Before, you had: 3 minutes then you graduate
Now you have (new anki settings): 1 day, then 3 days, and then you graduate
I am not 100% well versed with Anki settings but basically you have an extra “learning step”. Your cards will be red for longer in the new settings, than the old ones.
Therefore, this is intended (to my knowledge)
For example, if in the new settings you remove “3d”, you will see that your cards will graduate much faster (and wont be in the red) anymore compared to before.
That actually make sense. Thankyou!!! I was wondering if its not too much trouble would you mind giving me a recommendation for the “Learning Steps” & “Relearning Steps.”? I just want to do my cards quicker so that I can spend the majority of my time on practice problems.
Or. If you can give me a screenshot of your Settings, to give me an idea to redesign my settings, I would appreciate it. I know your not premed anymore and it might differ from what I have but I would really Thankyou.
These are the settings i’ve been using for 2 years now, they are the exact same settings (at least for the learning steps) that the AnKing uses.
I am not using FSRS because I’m comfortable so far with the original algorithm and don’t see a need to change but that is something you can potentially look into. If you want more info on FSRS, see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqRLqVRyIzc
Nevertheless these settings make you do cards pretty fast and I retain a lot. I recommend a 90 day max interval (see last image) if you tend to forget things easier, but you can set it to 120 or 150 if you are comfortable with that