Hi! I don’t know why my anki consistently has fewer cards than my friend; although both of us have the exact same settings everywhere else. For instance, here the total I have is 55 cards, although for my friend, it shows 80 cards:
Also, even the grand total of my anking has fewer cards then my friend. My friend even air dropped her same version to me; yet, for some reason I still have less ankis than her, even when her exact deck is exported from her laptop and imported in mine. Also, when I downloaded ankihub, I had another deck named ‘Anking Step Deck’ which had a lot of random cards untagged that belonged to other tags. I am not sure how to solve these issues; please help!
I can’t be sure about your friend’s collection without knowing more about it. But, for the tag you shared: Step2 - BnB - Neuro - Seizures, 55 cards is the correct number.
It could be that your friend has an older collection, or still has older cards that have since been deleted, or a number of other things. I can’t be certain, but I can confirm that you have the correct number of cards in your tag so everything appears to be correct and there’s nothing much to solve. 
If you would like to, you can reset local changes to your deck. This will force a verification check of your local deck against the server copy and make sure that everything is present: Resetting Local Changes
Please let me know if that answers your question, and if there’s anything else I can help with. 
Okay, thanks so much!! Really appreciate the help!
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Also, is there anyway my friend can get rid of her extra cards so both of us have the same number in our decks?
That’s harder to say. I don’t have any information about your friend’s collection, or why they have extra cards, or what those cards are. There could be some hundred potential sources so without more information it’s hard to give a lot of specific direction there.
If your friend finds the cards they want to delete, though, they can be deleted by right-clicking the cards in question from the Browse screen:
hey im the friend she’s talking about. Im not sure why i have more cards but i tried to reset local changes and it says you don’t have any ankihub decks configured yet. Also, we chechked and i have extra cards for multiple other tags as well. Any help would be appreciated.
In trying to reset local changes it notified you that you don’t have any AnkiHub decks configured yet as you’re not currently subscribed to any AnkiHub decks. 
With that being said, it’s very difficult to impossible to know why you have extra cards. It could be that you had an older collection, it could be that you merged with an older version of the deck, it could be that you shared cards with a classmate or someone else, or at some point had an in-house deck, etc., etc.,; there are dozens of reasons why it may be. It’s probably not possible, at least on my end, to track down the history of your collection entirely and determine with any real certainty, unfortunately.
If you have an active Ankihub membership you can subscribe to a deck and then reset local changes. This will make sure that all cards that should be present, are present, though it will not delete any existing cards from your collection one way or the other. You can also check your tags, under ‘Ankihub_Deleted’ to see if you have any cards currently in your collection that have been slated for deletion from the deck.
Please let me know if that answers your question, and if there’s anything else I can help with. 
Thank you so much! We managed to solve the issue, as we realized my friend had not subscribed. Thanks again!!