Hey y’all! @Ahmed7, @TheAnKing, @andrew, and I are discussing some ways to encourage some more community engagement on AnkiHub, starting with the AnKing Step Deck.
Problem: The AnKing Step deck has now surpassed 30k subscribers with a team of ~3-10 active maintainers on any given day due to our busy schedules. Consequently, we’ve amassed a queue of 500+ community suggestions, most of which requesting significant content changes in the deck that require a lot of diligence and engagement per decision.
- Make maintaining high volume AnkiHub decks more efficient
- Enable more community collaboration on AnkiHub decks/suggestions.
Solution: Allow deck maintainers to set up Discourse groups with community contributors that wouldn’t be able to accept/reject/edit suggestions but could be assigned/notified when we want to garner some more community feedback on a suggestion. These groups would be opt-in for subscribers interested in volunteering.
For the AnKing deck, we could start with a group for each Step exam with 10-20 people in each group recruited from /r/medicalschoolanki or via an email to all deck subscribers. If there’s a need and enough interest within the community we could eventually even set up multiple groups (e.g., Step 1 A, B, C, …) with 10-20 people each to allow maintainers to assign pages of suggestions across 100s of community members. This could also be made an option presented to people whenever they subscribe to a deck on AnkiHub.
Workflow example: A maintainer notices a quality suggestion on a Step 1 card → assign suggestion to a Step 1 community group → weigh in themselves and/or wait to allow the community to weigh in → reject/accept accordingly.