QOL improvements for forum integration

Per Discussion with Nick and Andrew, some lower priority things:

  1. The formatting for comments could be more streamlined/improved. I feel like its not totally center so it feels off (might just be me)

  1. A way to like comments on AnkiHub would help a lot, since sometimes maintainers vote using likes, and if you do so you have to check the discourse post to see the relevant amounts of likes, which reduces how streamlined the flow is

  2. A notification bell next to the night icon would be nice that shows only AnkiHub related notifications (likes, comments, replies). The main issue is that maintainers “maintain” AnkiHub, therefore its not intuitive to have to go to Discourse to check notifications, then go make changes on AnkiHub, then go back to Discourse. It would be nice if maintainers can spend all their time on AnkiHub and Discourse is just the background stuff.

For example, when I go on AnkiHub, i don’t see what people commented to my posts last night unless I go on Discourse, but sometimes maintainers reply on 4 different posts, so its very inconvenient (I hope this makes sense haha)

  1. Titles next to maintainers names would be nice. There is no current way for users to distinguish between non-maintainer and maintainers. So the “AnKing Deck Maintainer” title showing up on AnkiHub would be nice to have


Also noticed this, adding images to Discourse will show the file name on AnkiHub but not on Discourse. Just an aesthetic thing

This one is in progress!