Renewing membership

I submitted a request to renew my membership a few days ago, but it still tells me that my membership is inactive. From what I’ve seen from other posts, I should have given it a couple of days before posting.

Any help would be appreciated.


To make sure, you reapplied here correct?

In actuality, it can take up to 10-14 days. If your subscription has not been renewed in 10 days, please message me again here on this thread

Correct. I received a message saying that I already had an active membership, but from what I’ve seen that is also a known bug.

I will wait a few more days then.

Thank you.

So it’s been a while and still nothing.

Any help is appreciated.

Your scholarship should be active now, sorry about that.

No worries, I appreciate the assistance. In the future, is there another way I should go about renewing my membership?

Applying again to this link is the only way, this is the first time we encounter an issue where it does not get accepted in less than 14 days

Okay, I appreciate it. And this must be done after the membership expires?

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