Suggestions are frequently not answered

Hey, as I’m trying to use this amazing feature provided by AnkiHub to submit suggestions to change cards, they are frequently not answered. I know it can be overwhelming with almost 10k people that also make a lot of suggestions. But on the other hand, some cards have to be changed and if I change them manually without AnkiHub, all the change vanish after the next sync.
Any ideas on how to improve this?

You’re referring to the AnKing deck? Our team of moderators is very active. The best way to ensure quick approval is to add very specific rationale with links or citations to reasoning

Yes, referring to the AnKing deck. I know that you guys are very active, you guys are truly amazing and I don’t wanna sound ungrateful or anything like that. But even if I provide a link with source (mostly AMBOSS) + thorough rationale, out of 10 suggestions maybe 5-6 are answered.

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We’re absolutely slammed with suggestions and all full-time students on top of moderating, I can aim to get to your suggestions as fast as possible, hopefully this week. Although I’m not sure why those changes are being vanished with each sync - that probably shouldn’t be happening to every single card unless a change to a similar field is made (which is also unlikely as I resolve all suggestions on a note at once)…