Uworld tagging error?

I was doing the uworld tags for pulmonary step 1 and noticed alot of question ID’s I was able to look up via the tags (using quid add on) but no cards were displayed and it did not give a message that said there was no tag available (so i went into the uworld tags and saw it was there but no cards were there for that question as can be seen in the attached image).

so i looked up a related card myself and unsuspended it. however i noticed when i viewed this card on ankihub there actually IS a tag for the question i was looking at but the wording of the tag was a bit different (as seen in the attached image) so maybe thats why i could not look it up via the step 1 quid addon? is this an error with the naming of the tagging? this happened with quid 19657



ok so i looked into the tagging more and i saw that underneath step 1 uworld tags there is ANOTHER subtag for Step (which can be seen in the attathced image). however if you look up the anking quid add on with the step 1 settings it will not be able to pull out cards from this subtag, you have to change the settings from step 1 to auto so it detects the cards under the “step” subtag. but the issue with that is that it pulls step 2 and 3 cards out too. was there an update to the add on recently or is this something that needs to be updated (as I got the add on last year with my anki palace subscription which is not active anymore) @AnKingMed?


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Sorry we haven’t sent out the notification yet. We just updated this yesterday via AnkiHub and there was an update to the uworld QID addon yesterday on the VIP

We’ll be sending out a notice about this soon

ok thank you for letting me know.

so my question is since you are saying this “step tag” is newly updated as of yesterday i do NOT have to go back and search up cards again using this “step tag” tag for my previous uworld blocks? (i am half way through uworld and am paranoid that i missed cards from questions)

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We pushed another update yesterday. All UWorld tags should be in the new format now.

how recent were these changes to the uworld tags made in general so i know if i have to go back with the new quid add on to search for cards again for previous blocks? (as mentioned in my previous reply)

also it is still appearing for me like this is this correct? cuz it does not seem to match the format shown in the reddit post

They were done on Aprill 11th.

Please clear unused tags. To do this, go to browse → click on any card → right click → clear unused tags


ok thank you!