Why are my Anking cards NOT updating with sync?

So for one of the cards that I removed an image occlusion for (attached below), I wanted to see if I did not attach my protected tag, “protect,” to the card if it would be reverted back to how the card is supposed to be. However, when I synced with Ankihub, it said that no new updates were made, and the card remained in its manually changed state. Does this mean that something is wrong? I want the cards that are not protected to be updated to the current version from Ankihub, but this test made me a little scared lol. Ahmed helped me last time (thank you!), but I am still confused.

I have attached a picture of my protected tag and the card that does not update when I sync with Ankihub below. It did not revert back even after I synced with Ankihub for some reason lol.

Thank you for helping!

I meant “close deletion” lol


If you want to protect a card, you must do the following

This will automatically add (based on the field you select) a case-sensitive tag (for example: AnkiHub_Protect::Text) This means the text field is protected

Adding the tag “protect” will only protect that tag from showing up to suggestions, it will not protect the card

If you want everything to revert to what AnkiHub has it as, then reset your local changes

Let me know if that answers your question

Ohh I see, wow, thank you. However, that still leaves me wondering why these cards were not reverted when I synced with Ankihub though. I would hope that they update automatically like I thought they would. Does that make sense?

Thank you!

If you have manually made changes, these will only revert if you reset local changes or if you unsubscribe/resubscribe.

Another way they can revert is if we accept a change to that card which AnkiHub will detect and then it will overwrite your card you manually changed (since it is not protected)

TLDR: they eventually will revert which is why we recommend users to protect those fields otherwise all your changes will be lost!

Also, what do you mean it will protect that tag from showing up to suggestions. Does that mean to you guys when you decide what tags should be added or something. Should I just remove that tag and do the protect fields thing you recommended?

Okay, this should work right? If I want them protected from future updates?

Yes, just do the AnkiHub protect option.

What you did with the “protect” tag is basically

Let’s say you added the “protect” tag to a card, when you go to suggest a suggestion to us. We will see that tag “protect” which we will have to manually remove before accepting.

If you add “protect” to to this box (below)

This means that we will not see the “protect” tag when you suggest, which means we dont have to manually revert it

Hope that makes sense!

Yes, if you protect the text field, nothing will change in your text field even if you reset local changes or unsubscribe


Wait Ahmed, one more question. Is there a place where I can see all my manually protected cards. If not, should I just keep them in this #protect tag so I know, which ones I changed?

Yes you can

Just go to browse → search “tag:AnkiHub_Protect::Text” this will pull up all the cards that you protected the text field of

You can do the same with “tag:AnkiHub_Protect::Extra” and so on

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