[Wiki] Ankisthesia by Ankisthesia

Media is automatically imported, however, textbook images are not included through ankihub.

Reddit Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalschoolanki/comments/woeh7m/ankisthesia_v/

Notice: By subscribing to this deck and downloading the media you agree and attest you own a copy of Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology & Anesthesia Made Easy.

Is there a way to view the Youtube video? It’s currently private. I am still having trouble downloading the media to my deck. Thanks!

Same here, video listed as private and not able to get media added

Both issues as well (private video + media not added). I think it’s a media issue still as I have roughly ~1619 images that upload, but run into that “broken image” sign on the majority of the cards.

Please address YouTube video privacy.

Also most Textbook links are not working on mine either. Unsure what the source of that issue is.



the textbook pictures are broken

I subscribed to this deck, but it did not appear on the Anki desktop. I attempted to resubscribe and reinstall both the AnkiHub add-on and the Anki app, but the issue persists. I subscribed to another deck, but the ankishesia deck did not appear. What should I do?

search for the ankisthesia tags, the cards may be hidden in a different deck…idk why but mine was in my cheesy dorian anking deck, i saw this happened to at least one other person as well (same deck)when i googeld the issue which is odd

Youtube video is still set as private and media import not working. Please fix.

@anking.jacob Can we get an update on this youtube video that’s listed as private? The media is a major component of this deck. Thanks!

Still unable to add media, any chance for a fix @anking.jacob?

Media in textbook won’t be added as its copyright, the media that is available is downloaded automatically though ankihub.

Does someone have textbook pics and could dm? Would really appreciate it!

@suhbruh are you able to share your google drive? Thanks!

Ankithesia with Media deck: Ankisthesia with Media.apkg - Google Drive
Ankithesia Media Folder: Ankithesia Media - Google Drive


Why does the deck say 12k+ cards while there are only 8640?

My cards also went into Cheesy Dorian. How did you fix this issue and make Ankisthesia its own deck? Thank you!

Hello! wondering how to fix the issue is the ankisthesia deck downloading into the anking deck. How do I make it into it’s own deck?

so I added it into the ankisthesia deck but how to I make the tags appear in the deck area on the top? I’m just really confused so any help is appreciated

Hi Im not sure if its been done yet as I havent looked through the deck much myself, but is there any interest in tagging ACCRAC episodes?

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