A sync deletes my added clozes

I entered anki as I normally do to notice that my anki hub account on the add on page was signed out, I signed in then it requested for me to do a sync and that is what I did all my local made changes are saved on the cards I protect specific fields on expect the extra clozes I added on some cards even though I specifically protected the text field on those cards

Is there anyway to protect my new added clozes to specific card ?

What tag did you use to protect the text field?

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I used the protect field option for available from right clicking the card in browse section

my edits are still there but the problem is may clozes became empty cards

Can you check the tags and see if β€œAnkiHub_Protect::Text” was added?

I just tried AnkiHub_Protect::Text tag, then reset local changes and it stayed there

Hey ahmad thanks for the assistance

yes it is there and it was there before the update

my added clozes became empty cards even though I protected the text field it was under the tag, so I deleted it is not that big of a deal but I don’t want this to happen again so is it just a bug ? or should I do smith specific or should I added the card to new deck and make a new cloze?

It should not happen again technically, @andrew can you confirm if something potentially went wrong that caused this user’s card to appear empty?

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