Adding a new note type to an existing deck

Is it possible for deck owners to add new note types to a deck that is already on ankihub?

Not currently but that’s something on the todo list!


Hi there. Just wanted to follow up on this since it’s been a long time. Any updates?

It has and I’m sorry. I’m actually pushing pretty hard to get this feature added in our next cycle


Amazing!! This would be extremely valuable to me.

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Just wanted to follow up on this. Has this updated been added yet? If so, how does one implement this? I haven’t figured out how to do it yet.

Hasn’t been implemented yet :confused:

No sorry… but I’ll tag @andrew here so he can tell you how many times I have bugged him about getting this added :stuck_out_tongue: I’m really pushing for it! We are hiring a few more developers before the end of the year and hope that can help to speed things up for this


@andrew please please please implement this :slight_smile:

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@TheAnKing On an unrelated note, have you considered using Enhanced Cloze (for Anki 2.1) implementation of showing the cards 1 by 1 into the Anking Note Type?

In my opinion, the way they show the clozes 1 by 1 is kind of better for the following reason:

  • Shows you the card right away without having a “splash screen”. At the same time, the card is not flipped. It’s just showing you the front, and you click space when you want to grade the card with again/hard/good/easy after showing the clozes 1 by 1.

My first thought is that it may necessarily involve dependence on an add-on and its continued support and/or development by that particular author.

Or, if it were to be discontinued or incompatible for whatever reason/s, then require adopting its upkeep.

Also seems to have some cross-platform compatibility issues (particularly Ankidroid), as well to necessitate using a different note type, from what I gather?

A few apparent barriers to wide-scale adoption, from a brief glance.

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The 1 by 1 cards can be auto flipped. There’s a setting in the AnKing Note Types add-on that allows you to change that.


@TheAnKing Thank you for the reply :slight_smile: I am aware of the auto flipped options. The issue is that I personally don’t want to flip the card and show the options to rate the card again/hard/good/easy until I am done going through the clozes. Only when I’m done, I would like to click space to flip the card (just like I would do with any other card).

With the Enhanced Cloze (for Anki 2.1), the card is almost like any other card with the addition of the 1 by 1 cloze. Makes the flow consistent across different cards.

That’s my worflow at least :slight_smile:
Thank you @Brian_BH for also looking into this.

Any updates on the current status? :slight_smile:

Over here in Europe we got a new anatomy-trainer notetype we’d really like to implement into the Ankizin-Deck

At the moment no update/s to report, unfortunately. It’s still actively in discussion, though. :slight_smile: