All media files missing in AnKing Overhaul deck

All of the media files in AnKing Overhaul deck are missing. It only shows a broken image icon. And when i check the cards on ankihub it shows a grey image with “coming soon” written on it.
I’ve attached the screenshot. How do i fix this?

We are committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of others. To that end, the media packs include only those images that we have licensed or that we reasonably believe are in the public domain. In this regard, the media packs include Sketchy, Physeo, and Pixorize images. Images found in the Text, Extra, First Aid and Additional Resources fields of past decks may or may not be covered by third-party copyrights. The deck may include html that references images found in earlier versions of the deck with undetermined rights to use and as such may not include a useable image. We are actively working to replace everything in the deck with better images that we have permissions to share. While other images are available in social media (e.g., Reddit posts and comments or other public forums), we are not connected with and do not maintain or otherwise affiliate with these other sources.

All media packs are hosted on this Reddit post: