Allow for showing of certain tags containing "x"


With the implementation of school-specific tags, would love the ability to choose inclusion criteria for which tags show up on the card.

Something like this maybe? Example works with my school-specific tags that start with “FSM_Modules::”. Would be nice to have this integrated with the colorful clickable tags codeblock somehow though.

<div id='specifictags'></div>
var searchterm = "FSM_Modules::";
var extralength = 3

document.getElementById('specifictags').innerHTML = "{{Tags}}".split(" ").filter(subArray => subArray.includes(searchterm)).map(s => s.slice(searchterm.length+extralength)).join("<Br>");

This code shows up as this on my cards:

This would probably be best shared as an issue on the note types GitHub for future consideration (technically they are separate from AnkiHub)

AnKing Note Types: GitHub - AnKing-Memberships/AnKing-Note-Types

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