🤖 AnkiHub Premium FAQ Table of Contents

AnkiHub Premium FAQ

:robot: General

:question:What do I get in AnkiHub Premium?

:question:What is AnkiHub AI?

:question:What is Smart Search?

:question:What is the limit for the AI usage?

:question:How was the AI trained? Will it make things up?

:question:What AI model is the smart search and chatbot using?

:question:I hit the usage limit, how do I get an increase?

:question:What decks have AI enabled?

:card_index_dividers: Billing

:question:If I am on a scholarship, will I get access to the AI features?

:question:What happens when I cancel my subscription or my subscription runs out?

:question:How can I upgrade to AnkiHub Premium if I already have a subscription?

:question:Will the price increase for the AnkiHub Premium tier in the future?

:man_mechanic: Troubleshooting

:question:Why is the AnkiHub AI Bot not showing up for me?

:zap: Other

:question:Can I disable the chat bot icon?

:question:Can I move the chat bot icon around?

:question:I have a suggestion for the AI features, where can I post it?

:question:I have some issues with AnkiHub premium, where can I go to get help?

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