Bulk Suggestion Summary

Hoping to get some clarification on this, as I’m new and wasn’t sure where to find this information-

Does this mean for the following suggestion summary below:


Submitted 1 change note suggestion(s). = 1 note in the group that you bulk suggested was modified, and a suggested change to that note was uploaded to Ankihub for approval (any change, including those of the tags? Not sure if it’s required to submit specifically under the “updated tags” menus to submit a tag update, or under a “new tag” menu if I’m adding a new tag- if those menus are just for purposes of sorting types of suggestions that are submitted, or if it’s mandatory to submit the change under the proper type. see pic below for the things i’m referencing)

Failed to submit suggestions for 2 note(s). = 2 of the notes you attempted to suggest changes for in the group of notes that you bulk suggested did not work

Notes without changes (2)= 2 of the changes in the group you bulk suggested did not occur because they didn’t have anything different from how it appears on Ankihub already

Is my interpretation of these correct? If there’s a place that talks about this somewhere feel free to just link me to that page, too.


The change type is just for sorting types of suggestions. The actual suggestion will be the same, no matter which change type you choose.

Yes, that’s correct!

Thank you!!

@dosauce007 some helpful info btw