I am a medical student who just paid for a subscription for the purpose of utilizing the AnKing Over Haul Deck to study for step.
However, the AnKing OverHaul Deck that is advertised states “28,804 notes.” But, when I unsuspend every card in the deck, it only comes out to 1,105 total cards. Can someone help me understand?
Go to settings next to the anking overhaul deck and see if your new cards have a limit, set them to 9999 to see all the cards
If that does not fix it, go to browse → on the left hand side find note types → find AnKing Overhaul (AnKingMed) → click on it → click on any card → Ctrl + A (Cmd + A on mac) → unsuspend all the cards (might take a while)
That way you have unsuspended all the cards in the deck
Thank you so much for your detailed response and suggested solution! Very appreciative of your time. I am very familiar with anki, so I was able to navigate your instructions well.
I have checked the scheduling options and have gone to tags and note types and selected all and unsuspended them.
I am still having the same issue. Maybe the deck didnt fully import?