Deck "Textbook" images not appearing

When using the ankihub decks in my desktop/mobile Anki app, none of the images will show up other than a “broken picture” icon. I’ve imported the media how I was supposed to but the images still are a no show. Is there a way to fix this?


What deck is this regarding?

It’s the Ankiesthesia deck

Can you try this:

Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields

Also if you just installed the deck, depending on your internet connection, it might take some time for the media to download.

You can check the status by going to ankihub at the top of your anki → check the media sync status if it says downloading or idle

Thank you for your suggestions. I did what you said and it didn’t work. Unfortunately I somehow also managed to delete the entire ankisthesia deck and can’t seem to get it back. I’m still subscribed to it on Ankihub, but the deck won’t show up on any of the Anki apps: mac desktop, iphone, or iPad

To get it back, do this again:

Alot of people are having issues with the ankisthesia images as well unfortunately, the deck creator will need to fix the media folder in the google drive.