Filtered decks and UW QIDs

How do we use filtered decks to study incorrect questions from UWorld?

What I was originally doing was having all the cards with a UW ID suspended and then unsuspending the cards with the tag with the ID of the questions I got incorrect and then studying from the following filtered deck:

I want to know if there is an optimal way to do this and what that would be.
use this addon, add UW IDs of your incorrect and copy the search and put it in the filtered deck. here you go


Thank you, but what are your filtered deck options?

And Iā€™m assuming you have all the UW cards suspended and then you use the add-on to find out what cards to unsuspend, or do you just add them to the filtered deck?

I have one question to this. After I am done with questions in Uworld filtered deck, do they go back to original deck?

No, you need to delete the custom filtered deck so they return to their original position