I am trying to use filtered decks in the Anking deck as subdecks broken down by topic.
Here is my process:
I un-suspend tags that are relevant to my in house lecture
I command+A these tags and add them to a filtered deck
I do the filtered deck
The next day, I add a second filter, “is:due”
Click “rebuild”
The issue I’m running into is that after the cards are out of the learning phase, they go back into the main Anking deck. I tend to run behind on my anki review and so it’s not feasible for me to just do my review cards from the main anking deck because I’ll get cards from cardio when we’ve moved onto pulm.
Obviously, in an ideal world I would bring my reviews down to zero daily. But that’s not what’s happening right now.
Thus, I create filtered decks so I can focus on what I need to focus on during a certain block.
Thus, as I wrote above, I started adding a second filter “is:due” in an attempt to bring together my new, learning, and review cards into that filtered deck. Am I using a filtered deck as a subdeck properly?
I hope this makes sense. Anki is very confusing to me and I’ve done so much research to try to figure it out but I don’t know if I’m doing this right because I swear I’m missing cards or seeing too much of the same card that I know I rated easy.
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I think, if I’m understanding what you’re trying to do, there’s not necessarily a reason to be using custom-filtered decks in quite the way that you are using them.
If you’re studying, say, pulm every day it might be easier to just build a subdeck, rather than building, and rebuilding, custom-filtered decks every day.
An easy example would be below. I took this from the MCAT deck as an easy example, though the idea would be the same:
If I wanted to study only Biology, I could just move the Biology cards to that subdeck and click on that subdeck to study. No need to rebuild custom-filtered decks each day; you just click on the deck and study whatever cards happen to be due.
If I’m understanding what you’re trying to do, I think this would be a lot easier, and lower-maintenance, while still allowing you to focus your primary efforts on your current block material.
A custom-filtered deck can be useful on occasion. Say, the day before an exam you want to review only the pulmonary vasculature. Or before a specific rotation you want to brush up on the peritoneum or whatever. But custom-filtered decks aren’t typically as well suited for everyday use in this way, as it also sounds like it’s causing you a fair amount of extra work and some frustration.
Please let me know if the explanation I gave above makes sense, and if you have any other questions. I know Anki can be a bit bewildering at first but I’m confident we can get you where you want to be.
To provide a more comprehensive answer based on the user’s question and Brian_BH’s response, I’ll search for some additional information about filtered decks and organization in Anki.
Found 5 results for 'tags:official filtered decks organization subdecks status:public'
Thank you for your question about using filtered decks in Anki. I understand you’re trying to organize your study material for medical school using the AnKing deck. Let me provide some insights based on the information available and best practices for Anki usage.
Filtered Decks vs. Subdecks:
Brian_BH’s suggestion about using subdecks instead of filtered decks for your daily studying is spot on. Filtered decks are more suited for temporary, specific purposes rather than long-term organization. Here’s why subdecks might work better for you:
Subdecks are permanent and don’t need rebuilding daily.
They allow you to focus on specific topics (like pulm or cardio) without losing the overall structure.
Cards remain in their respective subdecks after reviewing, making it easier to manage ongoing reviews.
Creating Subdecks:
As Brian_BH demonstrated with the MCAT deck example, you can create a structure like this:
├── Cardio
├── Pulm
├── Neuro
└── etc.
This way, you can click on the specific subdeck you want to study, and it will only show cards from that topic.
Using Tags:
The AnKing deck is heavily tagged. Instead of unsuspending by tags and then creating filtered decks, you could:
Move cards with specific tags to their respective subdecks.
Use the browser to find cards with relevant tags and change their deck to the appropriate subdeck.
Handling Reviews:
With subdecks, when you fall behind, the cards will remain in their respective subdecks. This means you can focus on catching up on Cardio reviews without seeing Pulm cards if you’ve moved on to a new block.
Filtered Decks for Specific Purposes:
As Brian_BH mentioned, filtered decks are still useful for:
Last-minute review before an exam
Focusing on a very specific subtopic temporarily
Catching up on a backlog of reviews (though this can also be done with regular decks)
Scheduling and Reviews:
If you’re concerned about seeing cards too frequently or missing cards, it’s worth reviewing your deck options and scheduling settings. The AnKing deck typically comes with optimized settings, but you may need to adjust them based on your personal study habits.
AnKing Deck Organization:
The AnKing deck is designed with a specific tagging system. According to the AnKing MCAT Deck Wiki (which follows similar principles to the Step deck):
To understand all these tags, it will be very helpful to understand how the decks were made
It might be beneficial to review the tagging system used in the AnKing deck to better understand how to organize your study material.
In conclusion, for your daily studying of different medical topics, using subdecks within the main AnKing deck structure would likely be more efficient and less confusing than rebuilding filtered decks daily. Reserve filtered decks for specific, short-term study needs.
If you need more detailed guidance on how to restructure your AnKing deck into subdecks or how to effectively use the tagging system, feel free to ask, and I can provide more specific instructions.