I thought that the MCAT deck had subdecks for the subsections for the test? Mine does not.
I thought that the MCAT deck had subdecks for the subsections for the test? Mine does not.
The Anking MCAT deck does have subdecks.
Did you have an older MCAT deck in your collection previously? Can you show me your main screen?
Thanks, Brian!
I am super new to Anking but loving it!!
Awesome to hear.
The image you shared shows the subdecks:
The subdecks are as follows:
See how they’re sort of nested, indented in, from the ‘parent deck’ (the MCAT) deck? That’s the signifier that they are subdecks to the MCAT parent deck.
Hopefully that makes a bit more sense. I definitely know that Anki can involve quite a learning curve when first starting out, and we’ve all been there, so if you have any questions please feel free to reach out and happy to help anytime.
Thank you! I thought somewhere I saw a screenshot of those subjects further subdivided into specific categories.
My mistake!
And I’ll definitely take you up in your kind offer!!
Hey @ebwilson317,
I’m guessing you may have seen a screenshot of the tags associated with the deck. If you hit browse, on the left side you will see #AK_MCAT_v2. #AK_MCAT_v2 is further divided into subtags based on resource (Kaplan, Khan Academy, etc) and by chapters/videos within those resources.
(ignore the duplicated tags in my screenshot - you shouldn’t have those - its because of some changes I made to my personal deck)
We generally recommend suspending all cards in the deck, then after reading a chapter of Kaplan for example, navigating to the tag associated with that chapter and unsuspending them so that they can enter your reviews.
Here’s a tutorial that might be helpful:
Let me know if you have any questions/need help setting this up.
What do I need to do if I find a problem with a card?
Such as this:
In all the cards related to the eye the picture has the top area blacked out . On the edit screen you can see the words but not on the regular view
A couple of things stand out:
First, it looks like you’re on mobile. Are you certain that you’ve appropriately cross-synced from your desktop device?
Second, are you certain that, on your desktop, you’ve subscribed to and synced the MCAT deck appropriately?
The card you’re showing appears not to be the current Ankihub-version of the card, which is why it’s leaving me with some suspicion/s as to what might be going on with your local collection. The card you’ve shared looks to be a much older version of the card, likely pre-Ankihub
I’m an idiot.
It was from a Mr pankow deck!
Sorry for wasting your time!
Does the Anking deck have any psych/soc cards?
It does indeed. In fact, the AnKing deck contains the Pankow deck.
Mr. Pankow himself incorporated his deck into the AnKing deck. Thus, I would for sure not recommend doing both side by side, as it’s going to be super redundant. Pankow has recommended using the AnKing deck now, owing to the amount of work put into incorporating and updating it.
awesome!!! love the collaboration of great (and extremely helpful!) minds! are those cards all in the behavioral subdeck?
Exactly right. The Behavioral subdeck of the AnKing deck is basically an incorporated and updated Pankow deck.
wait can i get further explanation? what does suspend/unsuspend the card do? how do i practice questions according to the chapter in the kaplan book?
When you suspend a card it continues to be in your Anki but you will no longer see it when reviewing. So the plan is to suspend everything and then unsuspend the tag you want to study.
Here’ a tutorial: Selecting/Unsuspending Cards by Tag
Let me know if you still have questions about it!
thank you so much! makes sense. i have the kaplan books, and i am in the content review stage and think it’s best once i finished a chapter i will unsupend the cards for that chapter and practice it that way. what are some other ways i can use the anking deck to support my learning? (sorry, i’m really new to this).
You’re on the right path!
I think that studying and understanding the subject first, then unsuspending the flashcards to retain the knowledge, is the best way to do it!
Then, if you’re really sure that you don’t need to review some flashcards anymore (e.g., you passed an exam), you can suspend them.
If you run into any trouble using Anki or AnkiHub, please don’t hesitate to use this forum to ask questions!