Are there plans or a possibility for frontend interface of information display of Decks on AnkiHub to be rendered a bit more akin to a GitHub repository? Some of the following features would be really nice to get a feel for and observe engagement in various decks. This would include:
- A List of contributors. Possible insights into who has contributed, how many suggestions (like commits), acceptances (like pull-requests) from maintainers, etc)
- Release notes and version tags on the deck for interval updates as well as milestone version tags (again, akin to a GitHub repository)
- A complete list of pushes / changes (similar to git log)
- Ability to view the notes in the deck as a complete full length list (as the AnkiHub website does currently) but also ability to view them as a folder-like view with either a deck/subdeck or tag/sub-tag hierarchy
- Have wiki’s and deck-related conversations visually tied to the deck and more easily accessible (similar to issues, discussions, and wikis on GitHub).
Clearly this is quite extensive but would be great to know if there are any plans to move in this direction.