just got the AnKing MCAT deck. Are there any specific settings within Anki that I need to enable to make best use of this deck? I am asking this because, for example, the Getting Started with Anki deck showed cards not in the right order - I got the last card first. Do I need to copy settings from somewhere?
Also, what would be the best way to do content review with the AnKing deck? I am going through Khan Academy lessons, starting with Lesson 1 and got AnKing deck specifically because I do not have time to make many flashcards on every lesson in KA. How do I use the AnKing deck along with the KA lessons?The category for general support questions related to using AnkiHub.
Things not to ask about here:
- Questions already answered in [Docs)
- Questions about specific decks (ask in
AnkiHub Decks)
- General Anki questions (ask at the Anki Support Forum or in Off Topic)
Please include supporting information and documents such as screenshots, recordings, etc.