I cannot use the "1" button, It automatically selects "2"

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Hello, I have a big problem to whenever I try to hit the again button โ€œ1โ€ it instead selects โ€œ2โ€ as if I hit the hard button. I have tried updating Anki, checking all add-ons as well as made sure all my keys are appropriately assigned. Every time I type 1 it instead shows that I hit 2 in the info screen for the card. I donโ€™t know what to do next. has anyone encountered this before?


Couple of quick things:

Have you disabled all add-ons and the issue persists?
Which version of Anki are you running?
Have you double-checked your answer key settings in preferences?


I toggled all add-ons and it seems like it fixed the problem. What should I do next? I liked the add-ons I had

These are the add-ons I have:

Youโ€™d have to toggle them on, one by one, and try to figure out which one is the cause of the issue

If you figure it out please let us know, just so we can help any others if they repot the same issue

It seems like its the Anki Remote Add-on :eyes:

its behaving normally now, and the only add-on that is disabled is Anki remote customize

I just re-enabled it and now itโ€™s doing the problem again. Should I delete it and re-add it?

Not sure, I canโ€™t say Iโ€™ve ever used that addon personally.

What remote are you using?

I am using AnkiRemote

Not sure on that one, honestly. Iโ€™ve never used that particular remote, nor that add-on

If itโ€™s bluetooth (as Iโ€™m assuming it is) it should respond to any other of the many programs people use to program keybindings. I would try to give one of those a shot, since this one appears not to be working well atm

Oh wow, I thought they had some kind of partnership with Anki since they have the name. I started having problems with my remote earlier this last week. I reached out to them and they are sending me a replacement. I used it just now as a test and my specific remote glitched out and caused the problem again. I removed the add-on and it fixed the problem again. Iโ€™m thinking the specific remote I am using is doing something to the program and causing the issue. While I wait for the replacement I will just resolve to use keys instead

No, not at all. Itโ€™s a complete copycat thing. Those remotes are also knock-offs, and routinely sell on Alibaba for like $1.70. I would not, in all honesty, recommend using them.

8bitdo is typically the standard recommendation; theyโ€™re well-made, inexpensive, and little workhorses. They also have a range of options, from like $15 up to fancy stuff. Iโ€™ve had one or two that have lasted 4+ years without breaking a sweat

If youโ€™re on Mac, 8bitdo remote and JoyKeyMapper to keybind is the way to go, for sure

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Wow! I had no idea. thanks for the info!
I will keep JoyKeyMapper in mind. Perhaps I will use that when my replacement gets here. In all honesty I have never had any issue with AnkiRemote until last week. It had also been super reliable, but if the problem persists even with the replacement I now know how to fix it. I will also be going with the 8bitdio should it happen again with the new one.

thanks so much for the advice

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