If I move cards from the AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2 deck to another deck of mine will they still update when there are changes?

Or do I have to keep all cards in the AnKing Overhaul deck for the cards to keep updating?

Kind regards,

You can move them around and it won’t affect things


New Ankihub member here. I was about to make my own thread but I saw this post. I still would like to confirm if what I did is okay in order to keep updating Anking Overhaul cards.

I moved cards from tag:!shelf::IM into a new deck I made called IM. I did the same for tag:!shelf::Surgery.

I just need a thumbs up if it is all good.

You can have cards in different decks and it’s ok! Won’t cause any issues


Hi, I’ve got a very similar question regarding another deck (Ankizin). The cards I have moved to another deck do get updated, but they also get pulled back into their home deck, which is unfortunate because resorting them is too much effort if this happens on every AnkiHub sync. Should this be happening and is there any way to keep the cards in the decks I assigned? (Ankizin is using the Subdeck feature, maybe this is the issue?)

Thanks and kind regards,

@ProductTeam The add-on has an internal option to keep non-new notes in their decks when subdecks are enabled (subdecks_for_new_notes_only), but this is only applied when using the Reset local changes action. It’s not applied when pulling deck updates. This seems to be an oversight. @jakub.f

I couldn’t find a fix up until now, might a reinstall fix this?

Reinstalling won’t fix this.

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I second this.
subdecks_for_new_notes_only should be a toggleable option!
Keep in mind that it might require a full sync though. I asked the reporting user to try and it solved his issue alright (with the caveat of having to full sync afterwards)