Images not being synced/Weird sync delay with images

Lately, there have been a few images when accepted that do not sync.

For example, the image here 21090476-b119-4f66-ad77-b901899c84fa and here nid:1537180243091.

We have tried screenshotting and suggesting and that also does not work. You can see the AnkiHub history for nid:1537180243091 and me and @Cameron have tried fixing it but it does not show up. Usually, screenshotting the image fixes it, but this is the first time even after screenshotting the image does not sync. Its seemingly random as well

UPDATE: We can all see nid:1537180243091 now but it took a day until it worked.

Occurrence #2: Also noticed this with one of Ahmed Afifiโ€™s new images he illustrated regarding heteroplasmy with nid:1469146878242. I accepted the image a few days ago, then realized it was not syncing. Then i checked yesterday and it showed up.

I am suspecting there is some sort of lag between images being accepted and actually showing up for users. I cannot estimate the lag or even if there is a lag, but images that donโ€™t show up yesterday for a maintainer, magically show up today for some reason with nothing changed

I just changed this cards image to a screenshot (21090476-b119-4f66-ad77-b901899c84fa) and no one can see it except @herstein.jacob. However when I reset local changes I can see it. I suspect tomorrow everyone will be able to see it.

@developers do you know what is going on?

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