Install anking deck

The category for general support questions related to using AnkiHub.

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I deleted my anking deck and want to reinstall it
how to i install the anking deck to my anki desktop app?

If you are talking about V12

Make sure you have the ankihub addon installed, go to subscribed decks, press add and input this code (e77aedfe-a636-40e2-8169-2fce2673187e) and it should install. Make sure you are also subscribed on the ankihub website itself, it should look like this for you if you are subscribed. (should be under subscribed)

Will all the media files also install or is this a separate download?

All media files in text, extra, and sketchy will download automatically, if you want other media, you would have to check the reddit comments on the V12 post for that

Is bootcamp media included in the deck?

Unfortunately not, you would have to ask bootcamp it they have plans to do that. They are managing their tags and section for the AnKing deck, we do not handle that, we just accept them as maintainers

I have subscribed to it and added it in under subscriptions on AnkiHub, but the deck is not showing up in my Anki app. Do you know what to do? It says it is all loaded, but it is not there…?

Can you try resubscribing and subscribing again and see if that works?

I have tried and it does not work… I am going to try to get a 30 minute tutorial from AnKing to sort it out. Thank you :slight_smile:

You are using an outdated version of the add-on, please update the add-on to the newest version and then try again.

To update the add-on go to Tools β†’ Add-ons and click Check for Updates.

If you are using an Anki version older than 2.1.56, you will have to also update Anki.

Thank you! I did what you said and it partially worked. Now the deck showed up, but there are no cards, even after syncing.

(I have version 2.1.56)

I have a problem with the Anking overhaul.
I installed it successfully. But, it does not show the subdecks. I have attached two screenshots


I also subscribed and resubscribed it two times. But, It did not work

We currently do not support subdecks, the tags are much easier and better to use, it was organized that way, not really by subdecks anymore

Please see the [AnKing deck wiki] ( as this question is answered in the FAQs

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