Is ther a way to import some of the media from the v11 Anking to V12?

I have tried the import media option on Ankihub. but frankly i am a bit dumbwhen it comes to these things. i have also read the wiki and faq and subreddit. but i haven’t figured it out yet, and i don’t understand why no one else has asked about this before

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If you want to see the media, you have to go to ankihub → anking deck → manage protected data → make sure additional resources/first aid does not have a check

Then go to browse in your anki → at the top click ankihub → reset all local changes

Then import media from your pre-existing V11 deck or media package

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Im not quite sure what media exactly you mean? Do you mean those in the additional resources field?

Im quite new to the transition and haven’t transitioned yet, so excuse me if my question is too basic

All media is synced and downloaded automatically, however, if you have the media package for First Aid and/or additional resources (we do not provide this), then you can follow the steps above to import the media for them

Actually i dont have the media for these fields, especially that i enjoy the extra info in the additional resources field. If I protect this field the media should be safe after syncing with AnkiHub correct?

Yes, whether you protect or don’t protect, the media will stay, it won’t be overwritten

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