First aid media

i can’t find the FA images

They aren’t included with the deck when you download it from AnkiHub, but have to be downloaded separately from a link on the reddit page for the deck, and then imported in using the AnkiHub menu within your personal Anki I believe. (I’m pretty sure this is the case, someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong)

See this for more information: Why don't I have all the media in the AnKing Step Deck?

i don’t understand this one

  1. You unprotected First Aid and/or Additional Resources fields, but did not have those images already from a previous deck

where i can get the FA media

i download the media pack and import it but didnt work for FA media

If you have the media, please follow these instructions

i have the media that i download from reddit , but its not contain FA
from where can i get the FA media to download it

We cannot assist you with this unfortunately. The post above highlights where it can be found

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Reread these instructions, can confirm this is how to do it.


I do not have a “reset all local changes” when i click on the ankihub addon tab

You have to click browse first!

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